
Aim. Optimizing the nutrition of the valuable grain buckwheat crop for the maximum realization of the genetic potential of modern varieties can be ensured by introducing plant growth biostimulators and microfertilizers into the growing technology. The purpose of the research was to find out the dependence of buckwheat grain yield on complex foliar feeding of biostimulant and microfertilizers in Polissia conditions. Methods. Field research was conducted during 2018-2020 on sod-podzolic sandy soils. During the research, these methods were used: field, laboratory, statistical and comparative-calculation. Results. There were studied peculiarities of formation of productivity and quality of buckwheat of the Antaria variety in the conditions of Polissia. There has been determined the positive effect of the complex foliar application of a growth stimulator and chelated boron fertilizer on the productivity of buckwheat, which will ensure an increase in the volume of grain production and provide a solution to the country’s food security problem. Conclusions. Foliar feeding of plants with microfertilizer and growth biostimulator (twice in BBCH 12-15 and BBCH 55-59 phase) provides a 28.2 % increase in buckwheat grain yield compared to the control. It was established that the conditions of the years of research had the greatest influence on the formation of buckwheat grain yield (85 %). Buckwheat grain quality parameters were determined under the action of biostimulator Vympel 2 and microfertilizer Oracle Kolofermin Bor. Complex treatment of buckwheat crops with researched fertilizers in the phase of branching (BBCH 12-15) and budding (BBCH 55-59) provides an increase in the mass of 1000 seeds, the nature of grain, alignment and filminess. The perspective of further research is to evaluate the quality of buckwheat grain depending on the effect of biostimulants and trace elements in different ways of their application for sustainable production of plant products.

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