The method of bidomain structure synthesis in lithium niobate single crystal wafers based on the formation of a specific temperature gradient across the sample thickness has been developed. The lithium niobate wafer placed between two silicon wafers was heated due to the absorption of light annealing system radiation by silicon. The work cell design allows one to form and control the power of thermal fluxes entering the ferroelectric wafer thus creating temperature gradients required for a controlled process of formation of two domains with opposite polarization vectors («head to head» domain structure). The efficiency of light absorption for the formation of external thermal sources that allow one to implement symmetric and asymmetric heating, determining the position of the conditional surface with the zero temperature gradient and consequently the position of the domain boundary is experimentally confirmed.In a lithium niobate wafer 1.6 mm in thickness and 60 mm in length, a symmetrical bidomain structure with opposite polarization vectors was formed. The bending strain of cantilevered samples vs applied voltage was investigated in the -300 to +300 V voltage range, the strain amplitude being more than 35 µm. The measurements showed a high linearity and repeatability of the bias voltage vs bending strain curve.
Разработан метод создания бидоменной структуры в пластинах монокристаллов ниобата лития, основанный на формировании заданного распределения градиента температуры по толщине образца путем стационарного внешнего нагрева
Second−harmonic generation in bulk and waveguide LiTaO3 with domain inversion induced by electron beam scanning / M
Исследования проведены на оборудовании ЦКП «Материаловедение и металлургия» на базе НИТУ «МИСиС» в рамках ФЦП «Исследования и разработки по приоритетным направлениям развития научно−технического комплекса России на 2007—2013 годы»
C. Second−harmonic generation in bulk and waveguide LiTaO3 with domain inversion induced by electron beam scanning / M. V. Scanning electron microscopy observation of excitation of the surface acoustic waves by the regular domain structures in the LiNbO3 crystals / D. V. Scanning electron microscopy observation of the interaction between the surface acoustic waves and regular domain structures in the LiNbO3 crystals / D. V. Scanning electron microscopy visualization of surface acoustic wave propagation in a LiNbO3 crystal / D.
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