
With the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN General Assembly Resolution 6/106, adopted at 61 session of the UN General Assembly, 2006), the Law of Ukraine No. 176-VI dated December 13, 2009 approved a number of legislative acts. Thus, the Convention on the Development of Inclusive Education, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 10.10.2010 No. 912 states that inclusive education is a complex process of ensuring equal access to quality education for children with special educational needs by organizing their education in general educational institutions based on the application of personally oriented teaching methods, taking into account the individual peculiarities of educational and cognitive activity of such children.
 The solution of the problem of organizing inclusive education in general educational institutions of Ukraine is aimed at fulfilling the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which led to intensification of scientific research. In this direction, textbooks have been published, methodological recommendations have been developed, scientific articles have been published, defended dissertations.
 At the same time, in new school projects, investors and authors of general education institutions often do not envisage the organization of inclusive education, believing that children with special educational needs will not study in these institutions.
 First of all, we should note that in Ukraine society is not entirely prepared to solve the problem of organizing inclusive education in secondary schools. For example, not everyone knows that the formation of a class with inclusive education is carried out by the head of a comprehensive educational institution, taking into account educational needs of the population, provided that there is a necessary material and technical and methodological base, appropriate pedagogical staff and premises, in agreement with the relevant education management body.
 The article examines the issues of creating equal access for children with special educational needs to quality education by forming a comfortable architectural and planning organization of general educational institutions. Recommendations are given regarding the occupancy of classes with inclusive education, the parameters and areas of the main premises of schools are determined.



  • The Convention on the Development of Inclusive Education, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 10.10.2010 No 912 states that inclusive education is a complex process of ensuring equal access to quality education for children with special educational needs by organizing their education in general educational institutions based on the application of personally oriented teaching methods, taking into account the individual peculiarities of educational and cognitive activity of such children

  • The solution of the problem of organizing inclusive education in general educational institutions of Ukraine is aimed at fulfilling the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which led to intensification of scientific research

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FORMATION OF ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOLS WITH INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. Вирішення проблеми організації інклюзивного навчання в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах України спрямоване на виконання положень Конвенції ООН про права осіб з інвалідністю, що спричинило активізацію проведення наукових досліджень.

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