
The article describes the use of Internet technologies for working with parents of children of senior preschool age in order to form a positive evaluative attitude towards works of art among preschoolers. Modern emergences in older preschool children caused by the “information explosion” are shown, while the importance of the aesthetic development of the preschool child in the modern information society is highlighted. Much attention is paid to the emotional reaction of the child as a marker of a positive evaluative attitude to works of art. This is manifested in a decrease in children's interest in works of art, as well as a rapid reduction in free time among parents of preschool children, with simultaneously growing opportunities for online communication and a high need for advisory assistance from a mentor. The features of the presentation of the material in the process of working with parents on social networks Facebook and Instagram are analyzed. The methods of working with the family of a preschooler in social networks are considered when forming a positive evaluative attitude to art in children. A fragment of an online quiz with families of children of preschool age and a subsequent online survey of parents of preschool children is presented. The purpose of the survey was to identify among older preschoolers a sustained interest in works of art. Sustained interest indicates the formation of a positive evaluative attitude to the visual arts in children of preschool age.

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