
Abstract. The program regulating the content of physical education lessons, aimed primarily at the formation of motor skills, is not able to have a significant impact on improving the motor conditions of elementary school pupils. The content of the lessons has a minimal impact on the development of endurance. The purpose of the study: optimization of physical education methods of primary school. Material and methods The study was conducted on the basis of GUO Secondary School No. 31 named after V. Khoruzhey, Vitebsk, for 12 weeks. The experiment involved schoolchildren 7-9 years old (n = 48). Experimental factor - motor tasks of cyclic and complex coordination nature, heart rate 50 - 70% of the maximum, 8-10 min. Methods: generalization and analysis of literary data; control tests; pedagogical experiment; anthropometry; methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the study and their discussion. The expected, statistically reliable, training effect from the implementation of the development was not achieved. With such a value of V with 17-93% in the indicators of half of the tests, it is impossible to achieve the required reliability of differences. Therefore, it is more legitimate to evaluate the quality of the program by the growth rate of X test indicators. 700 min. for 12 weeks is not enough for changes in motor conditions to be statistically confirmed. Due to the fact that the curriculum is aimed at the formation of motor skills, there is no reason to evaluate its quality by tests reflecting the measure of the development of motor qualities. The development of motor conditions without the use of influences in the developmental mode is very difficult in the conditions of a school lesson. Conclusion. The motor tasks installed in the program allowed the subjects of the experimental group to increase their motor conditions to the level of the requirements of the age norm. The fragmentary use of influences stimulating the development of various forms of motor manifestations of endurance not only significantly improved the functionality of the cardiovascular system (P 0.02), but also contributed to their effective implementation with power and aerobic modes of motor manifestation. It should be noted that the made changes contributed to the harmonious development of all motor abilities without exception.

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