
Percolation is one of the most widely studied models in which a unique giant cluster emerges after the phase transition. Recently, a new phenomenon, where multiple giant clusters are observed in the so called Bohman-Frieze-Wormald (BFW) model, has attracted much attention, and how multiple giant clusters could emerge in generic percolation processes on random networks will be discussed in this paper. By introducing the merging probability and inspecting the distinct mechanisms which contribute to the growth of largest clusters, a sufficient condition to generate multiple stable giant clusters is given. Based on the above results, the BFW model and a multi-Erdös-Rényi (ER) model given by us are analyzed, and the mechanism of multiple giant clusters of these two models is revealed. Furthermore, large fluctuations are observed in the size of multiple giant clusters in many models, but the sum size of all giant clusters exhibits self-averaging as that in the size of unique giant cluster in ordinary percolation. Besides, the growth modes of different giant clusters are discussed, and we find that the large fluctuations observed are mainly due to the stochastic behavior of the evolution in the critical window. For all the discussion above, numerical simulations on the BFW model and the multi-ER model are done, which strongly support our analysis. The investigation of merging probability and the growth mechanisms of largest clusters provides insight for the essence of multiple giant clusters in the percolation processes and can be instructive for modeling or analyzing real-world networks consisting of many large clusters.

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