
A split tree of cardinality $n$ is constructed by distributing $n$ balls in a subset of vertices of an infinite tree which encompasses many types of random trees such as $m$-ary search trees, quad trees, median-of-$(2k+1)$ trees, fringe-balanced trees, digital search trees and random simplex trees. In this work, we study Bernoulli bond percolation on arbitrary split trees of large but finite cardinality $n$. We show for appropriate percolation regimes that depend on the cardinality $n$ of the split tree that there exists a unique giant cluster, the fluctuations of the size of the giant cluster as $n \rightarrow \infty$ are described by an infinitely divisible distribution that belongs to the class of stable Cauchy laws. This work generalizes the results for the random $m$-ary recursive trees in Berzunza (2015). Our approach is based on a remarkable decomposition of the size of the giant percolation cluster as a sum of essentially independent random variables which may be useful for studying percolation on other trees with logarithmic height; for instance in this work we study also the case of regular trees.

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