
This article examines the formation and negotiation of identity among the Kampung Pasir Parit Peranakan Chinese, a unique sub-ethnic group of acculturated Chinese in Kelantan. Apart from their original Chinese identity, the Kampung Pasir Parit Peranakan Chinese have also adopted two additional identities, namely Malay and Siamese identities. Intermarriage with Siamese women in the early years is the main reason for the adoption of the Siamese identity, while regular social interactions with the local Malays have led to the adoption of a Malay identity. Thus, the identity of the Kampung Pasir Parit Peranakan Chinese comprises three contrasting components. Given such a complex identity, there is always a need for the Kampung Pasir Parit Peranakan Chinese to negotiate their identities to avoid any identity crisis. This negotiation of identity is at times demonstrated by the co-existence of identities and at times the clear demarcation of identities to fulfil different situational needs.

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