
The history of the development and current state of the conservation services in the Regional Universal Scientific Library of Nizhny Novgorod (hereinafter - RUSLNN) is discussed. The author outlines the major milestones of the development of conservation services: from bookbindery, created in 1935, to the Regional centre of conservation. The main priority of the conservation services throughout its long history is ensuring of preservation of valuable and rare documents. RUSLNN holdings consist of more than 4 million items, contain significant amount of valuable and rare documents and literary monuments. The questions of preservation of library collections in RUSLNN are always especially acute, same as the problem of insufficient space for their allocation. Currently, the collections are placed in three buildings, two of which are monuments. The article highlights the problems of preservation of valuable and rare books collections resolved by the Library in different periods: in the 1920s - early 1930s, when at acquisition of the book collections from the disbanded libraries the collection principle was not always respected: parts of the libraries of institutions and private collections were dispersed to the Regional Library holdings: in the years of shortage of space, the restoration and repair works, in the conditions of moving of collections. It is analyzed the experience of Library on organizing the registeration of preservation and use of literary monuments; interaction of structural divisions on maintaining the preservation of book monuments, RUSLNN participation in the Federal Targeted Program “Culture of Russia” (sections of the program: “Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage” and “Preservation of Library Collections”) and in implementation of the regional programs. On December 20, 2013 in the Law of Nizhny Novgorod Region No. 173-3 were introduced the changes formalised the status of RUSLNN as the Regional Centre for work with book monuments and Regional Centre for conservation of library collections. Separate direction of work of the Regional Centre for work with book monuments is consultancy and methodological support of libraries of the region, regardless of their departmental subordination, including visits to districts for the purpose of examination of storage facilities and providing consultations. Further development of the Regional Centre for conservation of library collections involves strengthening of staff potential, documentation support of all technological processes and providing clear interaction with the collection holders of the region.

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