
The article aims to discuss the continuing education of teachers, based on the observation of actions developed by a Municipal School of Campo Grande-MS, in the period from 2017 to 2019. The study addresses issues related to the continuing education of teachers, emphasizes the importance of ensuring a time/school space for reflections aimed at deepening the theoretical-philosophical and methodological conceptions underlying the Political Pedagogical Project. The importance of the school space as a locus of teacher training is emphasized, in order for them to acquire greater awareness of their actions, expand their level of reflection and analysis, and thus contribute to the improvement of pedagogical praxis. It is, therefore, a descriptive observation research, with a qualitative approach, whose objective was to highlight the importance of continuing education promoted in a school of the municipal network of Campo Grande-MS. The methodology included consultation and analysis of school documentary sources and legal standards. As theoretical contribution, authors such as Alves (2005, 2006, 2008), Nóvoa (2012), Magalhães and Azevedo (2015), who generally consider continuing education as fundamental in the process of buildingteacher knowledge, with a view to improving pedagogical work. It was evidenced that the school in reference follows the fundamental principle of collective work, considering that it seeks to involve pedagogical coordination, school management and the group of teachers, with the purpose of promoting the expansion of the knowledge of its teachers

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