
Šiame straipnyje siekiama aprašyti formalaus ugdymo apraiškas informalioje klasės kultūroje Latvijos kontekste. Formalaus ugdymo apraiškų analizė fokusuoja į laikotarpį nuo 1964 iki 2004 metų ir apima du skirtingus Latvijos politinio režimo etapus: autoritarinį nuo Brežnevo stagnacijos iki Sovietų sąjungos žlugimo, ir demokratinį nuo Nepriklausomybės atgavimo iki Latvijos įstojimo į Europos Sąjungą. Straipsnio teorinėje dalyje pristatomas informalios klasės kultūros konceptas, apimantis mokyklos praeities, ugdymo turinio, klasės, klasiokų ir kitus aspektus. Formalaus ugdymo apraiškos informalioje klasės kultūroje atskleidžiamos analizuojant mokinių sukurtus atminimo albumus ir mokyklų fotografijas. Analizės metu siekiama atsakyti į klausimą, kaip skirtingi ugdymo sistemos komponentai (mokinys, mokytojas, mokymo medžiaga ir ugdymo turinys) yra vaizduojami informalios klasės kultūros šaltiniuose. Mokinių atminimo albumų ir fotografijų analizė parodo, kad skirtingi formalaus ugdymo komponentai yra tiesiogiai arba netiesiogiai vaizduojami informalios klasės kultūroje. Formalaus ugdymo minėjimas ir vaizdavimas informalios klasės kultūros šaltiniuose yra dažnas, o tai leidžia teigti, kad formalus ugdymas yra reikšmingas informalios klasės kultūros elementas.


  • People from all over the world have spent part of their lives in the classroom and each person has memories related to it (Yanes Cabrera, Meda, Viñao 2017; Herman 2010; International Symposium School Memories: New trends in Historical Research Into Education at the International Level: Heuristic Perspectives and Methodological Issues 2015)

  • The sources will be analyzed through the following question posed to reach the research aim: How formal education was reflected in the informal classroom culture in the context of different state regimes? The analysis of sources is based on two political systems in the history of Latvia, namely, from the Brezhnevian Stagnation Period up to the collapse of the Soviet Union (1964-1991), and the Democratic period, starting with the the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Latvia up to Latvia becoming a member of the European Union (1991-2004)

  • Within the research on informal classroom culture, historical sources developed in relation to the students, teachers, parents’ activities beyond the formal education system can be used

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People from all over the world have spent part of their lives in the classroom and each person has memories related to it (Yanes Cabrera, Meda, Viñao 2017; Herman 2010; International Symposium School Memories: New trends in Historical Research Into Education at the International Level: Heuristic Perspectives and Methodological Issues 2015). The authors reveal their dual nature within the interpretation of the concept: first, they relate them to the reflections on personal experience at school, the deconstruction of “oneself”; second, they view them as a collective and public practice in recalling the common past of the school (Meda, Viñao, 2017). The studies of both individual and collective school memories provide the basis for the precise analysis of the formation and development of school and classroom culture elements and the interpretation of the transformation of these elements in the defined period of time. The sources will be analyzed through the following question posed to reach the research aim: How formal education was reflected in the informal classroom culture in the context of different state regimes? The analysis of sources is based on two political systems in the history of Latvia, namely, from the Brezhnevian Stagnation Period up to the collapse of the Soviet Union (1964-1991), and the Democratic period, starting with the the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Latvia up to Latvia becoming a member of the European Union (1991-2004)

A Theoretical Interpretation of the Concept of Informal Classroom Culture
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