
The first author has been invited to reminisce over almost 20 years of his research into and application of formal methods in software development. The paper deals with model-oriented methods. The title of this paper mentions two methods: VDM (Vienna Development Method) and RAISE (Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering), the latter derived from the former, and two projects: ProCoS (Provably Correct Systems) and LaCoS (Large-scale Correct Systems). LaCoS is a follow-up on RAISE. ProCoS adheres to the same principles as VDM as VDM and RAISE, but with a twist! The paper will outline the technical/scientific essence of the VDM and RAISE methods, and explain the ProCos and LaCoS project structures. The paper will first outline five central rôles of software developers: problem domain specialists, programmers, software engineers, resident computation scientists and managers. We will briefly illustrate examples of specifications in VDM and RAISE. The aim of the paper is to record that formal methods in software development are now well-developed and broadly accepted in Europe.

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