
AbstractFormal Concept Analysis (FCA) provides an account of classification based on a binary relation between two sets. These two sets contain the objects and attributes (or properties) under consideration. In this paper I propose a generalization of formal concept analysis based on binary relations between hypergraphs, and more generally between pre-orders. A binary relation between any two sets already provides a bipartite graph, and this is a well-known perspective in FCA. However the use of graphs here is quite different as it corresponds to imposing extra structure on the sets of objects and of attributes. In the case of objects the resulting theory should provide a knowledge representation technique for structured collections of objects. The generalization is achieved by an application of work on mathematical morphology for hypergraphs.KeywordsBinary RelationFormal ConceptConcept LatticeRelation AlgebraIdentity RelationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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