
This paper is concerned with the fundamental role of two mathematical theories in some clustering problems. Formal concept analysis provides the algebraic structure and properties of possible concepts from a given context, and rough set theory provides a mathematical tool to deal with imprecise and incomplete data. Based on these theories, we developed models and algorithms for solving three clustering problems: conceptual clustering, approximate conceptual clustering, and text clustering. 1 Formal Concept Analysis and Rough Set Theory A theory of concept lattices has been studied under the name formal concept analysis (FCA) by Wille and his colleagues [1, 11]. Considers a context as a triple (O,D,R) where O be a set of objects, D be a set of primitive descriptors and R be a binary relation between O and D, i.e., R ⊆ O×D and (o, d) ∈ R is understood as the fact that object o has the descriptor d. For any object subset X ⊆ O, the largest tuple common to all objects in X is denoted by λ(X). For any tuple S ∈ T , the set of all objects satisfying S is denoted by ρ(S). A tuple S is closed if λ(ρ(S)) = S. Formally, a concept C in the classical view is a pair (X, S), X ⊆ O and S ⊆ T , satisfying ρ(S) = X and λ(X) = S. X and S are called extent and intent of C, respectively. Concept (X2, S2) is a subconcept of concept (X1, S1) if X2 ⊆ X1 which is equivalent to S2 ⊇ S1, and (X1, S1) is then a superconcept of (X2, S2). It was shown that λ and ρ define a Galois connection between the power sets ℘(O) and ℘(D), i.e., they are two order-reversing one-to-one operators. As a consequence, the following properties hold which will be exploited in the learning process: if S1 ⊆ S2 then ρ(S1) ⊇ ρ(S2) and λρ(S1) ⊆ λρ(S2) if X1 ⊆ X2 then λ(X1) ⊇ λ(X2) and ρλ(X1) ⊆ ρλ(X2) S ⊆ λρ(S), X ⊆ ρλ(X) ρλρ = ρ, λρλ = λ, λρ(λρ(S)) = λρ(S) ρ( ⋃ j Sj) = ⋂ j ρ(Sj), λ( ⋃ j Xj) = ⋂ j λ(Xj) The basic theorem in formal concept analysis [11] states that the set of all possible concepts from a context (O,D,R) is a complete lattice L, called Galois lattice, in which infimum and supremum can be described as follows: ∧

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