
The paper provides the study of the phenomenon of interruption as repair in Мodern English dialogical discourse. The article outlines the analysis of the interruption-repairs from the point of view of their formal and functional characteristics. The serearch presents the complex methodolody, wich consists of the method of text interpretation, methods of deduction and synthesis, contextual, pragmalinguistic and functional methods, semantic method, which is aimed at studying speech realisation of the interruption-repairs by certain verbal means. It was stated that the interruption-repairs may have varied forms: correction, repetitions (full or partial), what-queries, paraphrases, echo questions, explicit recognition of misunderstanding, requests to confirm the correctness of vision of a situation in a certain light, conjectures or beliefs. The paper introduces the following basic types of the interruption-repairs depending on its functional peculiarities: interruption-correction, asking for clarification, explanations and additions / specifications in accordance with the needs of the communicator who interrupts a partner. The results obtained illustrate that the basic model of the interruption-repairs can be depicted in the following way: the emergence of the need for repair – repair – reaction to repair. According to the results of the research, the interruption-repairs are amplified by the phenomenon of the second utterance that depict the reaction of the speech recipient, presupposing the semantics of consent, negation and assumption, disclosure, refutation, justification, or refusal. The conducted research helps to acknowledge that the interruption-repairs contribute to overcoming communicative failures and cognitive dissonance, which is the key to a productive, successful communicative interaction. The prospects for study consist in further investigation of age characteristics, non-verbal means of the interruption, as well as strategies and tactics, which are involved in responding to the speech interruptions, that will allow a more detailed study of an addressee factor.

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