
Image forgery detection is the area of research in the field of biometric and forensics. Digital pictures are the resource of data. In the present world of technology, image processing software tools have developed to generate and modify digital images from one location to another. With the current technology, it is simple to establish image forgery by addition and subtraction of the components from the pictures that lead to image interfering. Copy-move image forgery is created by copying and pasting the element in a similar image. Hence, copy-move forgery has become an area of research in the image forensic unit. Various methods have been implemented to detect digital image forgery. Some issues still required to resolve like time complexity, fake, and blurred image. In existing research, the block and feature-based approach used to remove a forged area from the image using SIFT and RANSAC algorithm. The forgery dataset of the 80 pictures collected to achieve accuracy of up to 95%. In the research work, the PBFOA method has been implemented to optimize and extract the features using the component analysis method. FCM is used for image segmentation in the input image. PBFOA is based on an optimization process to select valuable features based on the calculation of the fitness function. In this method, two steps are used to re-verify the instance, features (i) Slower and faster condition. BFOA steps are described in detail in this research paper. Initial steps, Spread the feature set in the whole system. In the rapid condition selected and to eliminate the valuable features one at a time, then reproduction phase is implemented with the help of the fitness function to recover the feature values and detect the forgery information in the uploaded image. The simulation setup using MATLAB 2016a version and improve the accuracy rate and image quality parameter. Performance analysis depends on the proposed metrics FAR, FRR, ACC, Precision, Recall, and compared with the existing methods.

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