
The paper presents some types of improvised explosive devices (IED) and ways of placing and initiating them in domestic forensic practice. In general, handling explosive devices is very demanding and responsible and it carries many security risks. Therefore, there are specifics in crime scene investigation. The involvement of a specially trained team with knowledge of bomb squad techniques is very important, since there is always a risk of new explosion. When it comes to improvised explosive devices, crime scene investigation is more complex. Every improvised explosive device is unique since its production depends on the knowledge, imagination, experience of the perpetrator and the availability of materials. Thus, such a device can be considered more dangerous compared to military explosive devices from the point of view of bomb-squad techniques, considering that members of the police at the scene find it harder to recognize the device because they cannot find it in professional literature and catalogs. For quality and comprehensive crime scene investigation, it is very important to learn and analyze cases of planted devices, since each scene is unique. The importance of identifying the improvised explosive device is great, considering the fact that it can indicate the source of supply of the explosive substance and other parts of the device, the perpetrator's possession of specific knowledge and the manner of committing the crime. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate possible ways of initiating and placing an explosive device for its easier observation in bomb squad examination and easier crime scene investigation in case of its activation. The paper analyzes the ways in which explosive devices were made, where they were planted, the ways in which the devices were initiated and physical evidence that remained at the crime scene. The research covers the period from 2007 to 2022. The research has shown that improvisation was mainly performed in the initial part of the explosive device, as well as that high explosives were used during the observed period.

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