
After the end of the war in Kosovo in 1999, forensic medicine examinations of Albanian victims began to be carried out, mainly by foreign teams, but a part of them also by two teams of forensic medicine doctors from Albania assisted by Kosovar forensic doctors. Methods: As it is known, forensic medicine is a science that is more involved than other disciplines in the events that occur in any period of time, having a close relationship with criminology (the science of the scientific study of criminal phenomena), where the latter receives data highly valued by forensic medicine. Precisely, in such a broad perspective, are also analyzed the forensic data of the cases examined by us. At the beginning of this study, the impressions of the situation in Kosovo after the war are given with pictures of the corpses killed by the Serbian army and paramilitaries, followed by the results of the examinations of many corpses or their remains by us during our stay there. Then some other forensic documents are analyzed, including the book: “Quai des ombres” (Paris 2012) by Professor Lecomte, director of the Medical Institute of Paris, in which, among other things, she shows her memories of the examinations she carried out, of the corpses of Kosovar victims immediately after the end of the Kosovo war. Results: From everything that was seen and examined by us, as well as from the analysis of other materials, the idea was reinforced that the tragic events that preceded the war in Kosovo can be considered as one of the culminating points of the genocide murders to the Albanian people from its neighbors. But in contrast to all the previous genocidal murders, accurately proven by the numerous forensic examinations of the Albanian victims, the Albanian people reacted more decisively and persistently by creating the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) that fighted with the Serbian army and paramilitaries. On the other hand, these massacres were recognized and shocked the entire civilized world, especially the USA, which quickly intervened and freed Kosovo once and for all from the Serbian yoke. Conclusion: It is concluded that: Forensic medicine in its broadest sense constitutes very important evidence for the detection of genocidal murders. In the recent genocide against the people of Kosovo, the forensic evidence, undoubtedly invalidates forensic arguments of Serbia in an irrefutable manner, the completely unimportant, often even false, according to which the Albanians were who have killed the Serbs. Keywords: Kosovo, forensic evidence of genocide, Serbian genocide against Albanians of Kosovo, Kosovo war.

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