
Food industries contribute to national economic development through the use of absorption of resources in the community, and the average amount of capacity for a period of study, about 466,600 tons, valued at an estimated 2,835,660,000 pounds.The average amount of actual production during the study period, about 447,870 tons valued at about 2.31593 billion pounds. Actual production represents about 95.96% of the amount of capacity for the manufacture of food preservation in Egypt, the average energy value of idle about 273.91 million pounds, representing approximately 15.79% of the total value of the capacity during the study period (1994 / 1995-2013 / 2014).Idle capacity represents approximately 20.58% of the amount of capacity, and approximately 15.73% of capacity for the manufacture of food preservation value in Egypt.Showing increasing total production and export value of the potato crop in Egypt by year amounted to 22.06 thousand tons, and about 56.40 thousand pounds, representing about 6.97%, and approximately 12.26% of the average of each of the total production, and the value of exports during the study period to harvest potatoes in Egypt and the relative stability of the amount of Egyptian potato exports during the study period, showing an increase of value-added storage potato crop in Nwalat, it turns out to increase the net return of the value added per tonne store of about 101.3%. The study results suggest that the storage of potatoes in refrigerators has resulted in the increase of time benefit resulting from the storage of the crop in refrigerators value, it turns out the high yield on the British investor of the added value of storage in refrigerators at about 2.75 pounds, representing approximately 173.99%, as compared to the return on the pound investor tonnage is stored, and the export has led to increasing the added value of potatoes a sample study of 1853.3 pounds per ton of potatoes in 2008 to about 2660.6 pounds per ton in 2014. as it turns out the growing overall production, volume and value of exports of onion crop in Egypt by annual rate about 131.3 thousand tons, and about 18.039 tons and about 116.084 thousand pounds, accounting for about 7.64% and about 5.7%, and approximately 19.07% of the average of each of the total production, the quantity and value of exports, respectively during the study period, and the value-added of storage onion crop has increased and reflect the increase for the time benefit resulting from the storage of the crop, as the yield on the British investor amounted to about 3.55 pounds, and about 4.73 pounds, 8.14 pounds in each of the onion is stored, onions stored, and the added value of the storage process each respectively. The net return per ton of added value of a ton of the store and 585 pounds, was found to increase the net return on the value added per ton stored at about 400 pounds, accounting for about 85.05%. Compared with a total value of waste per ton in the store. While it turned out that the export and its impact on the value added to the onion crop sample study, has increased the value-added of the onion crop

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