
The present article is an attempt to understand, analyse and provide an overall picture on basic aspects of English for Specific Purposes: its definition, scope, historical background, characteristics, types and aims. It also discusses the ESP teaching objectives, the role of ESP teacher and the training process to become an ESP teacher, the purpose of an ESP course and an ESP program. We see a clear rationale, amongst the variety of contradicting views on ESP policy, in coming to an agreement finally that ESP is the teaching of English to the learners who have specific goals and purposes: professional, academic or scientific. The article analyses the main roles and functions of teachers of foreign languages for specific purposes. It outlines the general tasks and responsibilities of higher education teachers whose professional activity is multispectral and multifunctiona; it also analyses the ESP courses and their specific features


  • Педагогічна освітаThe present article is an attempt to understand, analyse and provide an overall picture on basic aspects of English for Specific Purposes: its definition, scope, historical background, characteristics, types and aims

  • English for Specific Purposes (ESP) reflects the worldwide interest in the study of English

  • ESP has always been with needs analysis and preparing learners to communicate effectively in the tasks prescribed by their field of study or work situation

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Педагогічна освіта

The present article is an attempt to understand, analyse and provide an overall picture on basic aspects of English for Specific Purposes: its definition, scope, historical background, characteristics, types and aims. It discusses the ESP teaching objectives, the role of ESP teacher and the training process to become an ESP teacher, the purpose of an ESP course and an ESP program. У статті здійснено спробу проаналізувати, узагальнити та скласти повну картину щодо основ викладання іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням. У статті аналізуються основні ролі та функції викладача іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням; досліджується мета, завдання та зміст курсу іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням Ключові слова: іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням (ІПС), еволюція ІПС, дефініція ІПС, цілі, мета, завдання курсу ІПС, роль та функції викладача

The Role of the Teacher
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