
The article examines the foreign experience of digitalization of public services. The object of the study is social relations that are formed in the field of providing electronic public services in developed countries. The subject of the study is Ukrainian and international legal norms regulating relations in the field of providing electronic public services. The specificity of the selected objects and the subject of research determine the methodological basis. To achieve the goal and solve the set tasks, general scientific methods of cognition were used: induction and deduction, the method of analysis and synthesis, abstraction, system-structural approach, historical and logical methods, special legal methods: formal-legal, comparative-legal, system-structural and system-functional. The essence of the state and its social purpose are decisive in determining the direction of the state's activities, its goals and objectives in the field of providing public services using digital technologies. It was determined that the introduction of digital platforms and services allows systematizing and optimizing the processes of providing public services, shortening the terms of providing services and improving the quality of their provision. The main areas of activity of the authorities of the countries of the European Union - Malta, Estonia, Luxembourg, Sweden, Austria, Latvia, Finland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Portugal, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Spain - are indicated, aimed at the implementation of digital technologies in public administration, including regarding the provision of state (administrative) services. The positive and negative aspects of the provision of state (administrative) services with the help of end-to-end technologies of interaction of service providers and information and communication technologies are indicated. The measures that should be implemented by Ukraine in order to optimize and convert public services into digital form are outlined. Further research should be directed to the study of the functioning of digital platforms as a technological infrastructure for the provision of digital services.

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