
Masami Ito, et al. Broadcasting in Japan (London and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978—E4.95/$9.50, paper) Ibrahim Elsheikh Mass Media and Ideological Change in Egypt (1950-1973) (Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, 1977—about $40.00, paper) Mass Media and Cultural Relationships by Anthony Piepe, Sunny Crouch and Miles Emerson (1978, 169 pp.—price not given) Trade Unionism in Television by Peter Seglow (1978, 287 pp.—price not given) Cuadernos de Comunicaci(5n (Communication Notes) (Comunicolgia Aplicada de Mexico, S.A. Comunal No. 7, Mexico 20, D.F.—about $55 per year/12 issues). Godwin C. Chu, Syed A. Rahim, and D. Lawrence Kincaid Institutional Exploration in Communication Technology (Honolulu: East West Communication Institute, East-West Center, 1978 —$3.00, paper) P. Gould and J. Johnson, An Experiment in the Classification of Television Programs, October 1978, $3.00, paper), and the paper written for laymen, #5 (P. Gould, How Should We Classify Television Programs? October 1978, $2.50, paper) Journalism Training: An Interim Report by Robert Amerson and John Herbst (30 pp. $1.75) An Analysis of Ten International Radio News Broadcasts in English to Africa by Douglas A. Boyd and Donald R. MacKay (16 pp., $1.25) A Look at the World's Radio News by Bert Cowlan and Lee M. Love (39 pp., $2.25) Education for Communication Development: The Global View by Robert Lindsay (27 pp., $1.75) A Brief Study on News Patterns in 16 Third World Countries by Edward T. Pinch (15 pp., $1.25) International Telecommunications and the Requirements of News Services by Ithiel de Sole Pool and Stephen Dizard (19 pp., $1.25) Foreign News in Nine Arab Countries by Gehan Rachty (21 pp., $1.25) International News Wires and Third World News in Asia by Wilbur Schramm, et al. (79 pp., $4.00) The Multinational News Pool by Roger Tatarian (19 pp., $1.25) International Conferences: Process and Effects by Rosemarie Rogers, et al. (March 1978, 53 pp., $3.00) Hemisphere Communications in Historical Perspective by James Nelson Goodsell (September 1978, 18 pp., $1.25) Kaarle Nordenstreng and Herbert I. Schiller, eds. National Sovereignty and International Communication (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corp., 1979—$21.50) Rosemary Righter's Whose News? Politics, the Press and the Third World (London: Andre Deutsch/New York: Times Books, 1978—$12.50) Frank Barton The Press of Africa: Persecution & Perseverance (New York: Holmes & Meier/Africana Publishing Co, 1979—$29.50) Godwin C. Chu, ed. Popular Media in China: Shaping New Cultural Patterns (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1978—$12.00)

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