
Experimental PVT studies of the gas condensate mixture of the Srednetyungskoye field for the determination of the reservoir losses of hydrocarbons with the availability of condensation water have been conducted on recombined samples of separator gas, deposit water and saturated condensate. The bed samples were taken during field research of wells operating the T1-A deposit of the Srednetyungskoye oil and gas condensate field. T1-A bed has been sunk by all wells drilled in the field. The gas condensate pool was opened by thirteen wells, three of which (No. 225, 230, 240) made it possible to determine the position of the газоводяной контакт (ГBK) gas-water contact (GWC) of the deposit. Experimental modeling of phase behavior of gas-condensate bed systems at different thermodynamic states was carried out to determine the influence of condensation water on the value of condensate recovery during the development.

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