
Background: Force of contraction (FOC) frequency-dependently increases in multicellular muscle strip preparations of human nonfailing myocardium, whereas FOC declines in human failing myocardium with increasing stimulation frequency. We investigated whether these characteristics can be observed in single isolated myocytes. Methods and Results: Isolated multicellular muscle strip preparations and single isolated cardiomyocytes of failing (heart transplants, dilative cardiomyopathy; n = 11) and nonfailing (donor hearts; n = 11) human hearts were studied. The changes in contraction amplitude (cell shortening in micrometers) at increasing frequency of stimulation (0.5–2 Hz) were continuously recorded with a 1-dimensional high-speed camera that detected the cell edges and measured their distance during contraction. The increase in stimulation frequency was associated with a significant decrease in FOC (2 v 0.5 Hz; 68% basal) and a decrease in cell shortening of human left ventricular cardiomyocytes from failing hearts (2 v 0.5 Hz; 65% basal). In contrast, in human nonfailing myocardium, contraction increased at increasing stimulation frequencies (2 v 0.5 Hz; FOC, 180% basal; cell shortening, 129% basal). Conclusions: The negative force-frequency relationship measured in multicellular preparations of failing human myocardium results from alterations at the single cell level.

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