Building upon a recently published (J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 2017;. doi:10.1115/1.4037969) general geometrical framework for specific removal rate, the current paper develops the physics in 5 - axis grinding (5AG). Relating the grain-level chip thickness h to the wheel-local material removal rate per unit area m”, grinding force components from chip-formation, plowing and sliding, resolved normal and tangential to the tool surface locally were considered. A new approach to model steady-state workpiece temperatures for small tool-workpiece contact areas is shown. A composite Green’s function for a moving heat-source from two solutions in the literature, near- and far-field, was synthesized. A representative 2D patch on a nominal plane and its travel speed were formulated from the instantaneous 3D tool-work contact area and local feed-rate variation. From the local sliding power, prescribed heat-partition and linear superposition of heat sources, temperature variation over the complete 2D patch was calculated. For shallow-cut surface grinding (SCSG), the force model was validated with experimental data in grinding of nickel alloy with electroplated CBN wheels. Peak temperature for SCSG with the new thermal model was found to be in reasonable agreement with the classical Jaeger moving heat-source model. Examples of heat-flux and workpiece temperature distribution for a few individual moves in general 5AG with smaller contact areas is shown.
Published Version
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