
view Abstract Citations (16) References (26) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Forbidden Coronal Iron Line Images of Puppis A: Cloud Evaporation or Shocked Cloud? Teske, Richard G. ; Petre, Robert Abstract Calibrated CCD images of the eastern X-ray knot in Puppis A, made in the forbidden red and green coronal Fe lines, are discussed. They show the high-temperature gas to have a rich morphology, with the scale of some features approaching the 2.6 arcsec resolution of the data. The pictures have been compared with an Einstein HRI soft X-ray image; there is close correspondence in the position and size of structures seen in the optical forbidden lines and in the X-rays. Located near the shock front a cloud of about 0.4 pc x 0.9 pc dimension shines brilliantly in the 5303 A line. To test the hypothesis that the cloud might be evaporating into the remnant interior, the 5303 A and 6374 A intensity distributions expected for a steady state, one-fluid evaporatig model have been computed. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: March 1987 DOI: 10.1086/165096 Bibcode: 1987ApJ...314..673T Keywords: Line Spectra; Metallicity; Nebulae; Supernova Remnants; X Ray Sources; Astronomical Maps; Evaporation; Forbidden Bands; High Temperature Gases; Iron; Shock Wave Propagation; Astrophysics; NEBULAE: INDIVIDUAL NAME: PUPPIS A; NEBULAE: SUPERNOVA REMNANTS; SHOCK WAVES full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (1)

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