
Football is a team sport between two teams of 11 players each. The goal of the game is to score goals by placing a ball in the opponents goal area. The football player must have a good physical condition. The most important abilities for a football player are: speed, coordination, strength, endurance. In the same time football players can deal very well with the ball. The football match is supervised by the referees. Referee effort in the game is similar to the football player without the ball. Football referees must develop according to the current demands in order to manage the modern-day game. They must have a good biological support and an optimal motor condition. The study purpose is to identify the football referees fitness level during the football game. Subjects of the practical study were 32 football Romanian referees League 1, male 36 years old. All of them have different jobs and they deal with refereeing in their spare time. The research is based on specialist literature. We used some investigations, as: BMI, 4x40m test, Yo-yo intermittent test level 1. The referees were tested two times at six months. Data were statistical processing, by basic parameters (average, median, standard deviation, amplitude, and homogeneity) and special parameters (test of normality – Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk; test of significance of the difference - t bilateral depend test. The results of the study highlight for the four tests: there are significant statistical differences between initial and final tests. In this circumstance the working hypothesis is accepted.

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