
Games and entertainment, as part of the social milieu, gave the kind of contribution to some civilizational trends, which in many ways determined the directions of history, not only in the field of sports. Namely, viewed through the prism of falconry, equestrian sports and football, games and entertainment went hand in hand with the sports branches that we will talk about here. It is the period of the first half of the twentieth century, when they had a privileged place in the mentioned sports, permeating all the simplicity and naivety of the game and entertainment with strict rules and codes of conduct that the actors in the three mentioned sports branches adhered to. Therefore, it is somewhat easy, but at the same time difficult, but it is certainly a pleasure, to deal with the concepts of play and fun in synergy, with competitive results and the enthusiasm of the audience and the wider sports public. Citizens who, in some way, were dedicated to sports, deserved something like that.

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