
Abstract: In Ayurveda food is one among the trayopasthambha (pillars of life)1 . Health and diseases both are dependent on food. In todays World food is adulterated with poorer quality ingredients for economic advantages. Due to adulteration in food can lead to serious illness. Food adulteration leads to lower the nutritive value of food either by removing a vital component or adding susbstance of inferior quality. Adulterants when used in illicit drugs are called cutting agents, while deliberate addition of toxic adulterants to food or other products for human consumption is known as poisoning. The combination of different poisonous or non-poisonous substances resulting in deteriorating effects on health comes under the concept of garavisha in Ayurveda2 . One of the forms of garavisha is vishayuktaanna. Its effects may include anaemia, emaciation, GIT problems, neurological problems, liver disorders, oedema etc.

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