
The aim of the research is to identify phonological abilities - voice analysis and word synthesis - and elements of phonological awareness in preschool children. The sample consisted of 85 children (42 boys and 43 girls), ages 6-7. The Test of the Speech Sound Analysis and Word Synthesis (Radičević & Marinković, 1993) was used to assess the ability of the speech sound analysis and synthesis, while the Test for Assessing Phonological Awareness - FONT Test (Subotić, 2011) was used to assess the respondents' phonological awareness. The results of the research showed that, in six out of eight tasks assessing the elements of phonological awareness, the children demonstrated an average and above average development of phonological abilities: syllable merging, syllabic segmentation, identifying the initial phoneme, identifying rhyme, phonemic segmentation, and identifying the final phoneme, while the lowest achievement was observed in the tasks of eliminating the initial phoneme and phonemic substitution of the initial phoneme. No statistically significant differences were found between boys and girls in their achievement on the FONT test tasks (p> 0.05). By further analyzing the results, and based on the results of average achievement, we found that the children constituting the research sample were more successful in the tasks of synthesizing monosyllabic and two-syllable words, than in the analysis of monosyllabic and two-syllable words. Differences in achievement between boys and girls regarding the speech sound analysis and synthesis tasks were identified in the tasks involving the speech sound synthesis (p <0.05).


  • The results of the research showed that, in six out of eight tasks assessing the elements of phonological awareness, the children demonstrated an average and above average development of phonological abilities: syllable merging, syllabic segmentation, identifying the initial phoneme, identifying rhyme, phonemic segmentation, and identifying the final phoneme, while the lowest achievement was observed in the tasks of eliminating the initial phoneme and phonemic substitution of the initial phoneme

  • No statistically significant differences were found between boys and girls in their achievement on the FONT test tasks (p> 0.05)

  • By further analyzing the results, and based on the results of average achievement, we found that the children constituting the research sample were more successful in the tasks of synthesizing monosyllabic and two-syllable words, than in the analysis of monosyllabic and two-syllable words

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Глас испред У у речи ПАУН

У делу гласовна анализа највећа процентуална заступљеност тачних одговора је на првом задатку ‒ анализа првог гласа (100%), док су најмањи успех деца остварила на осмом задатку ‒ поређај гласове у речима (29,4% тачних одговора). Постигнуће на Тесту гласовне анализе и синтезе речи – гласовна синтеза – речи од једног слога. У делу гласовна синтеза – речи од једног слога највећа процентуална заступљеност тачних одговора је на петом и шестом задатку (по 91,8%), а најмања на трећем задатку, где износи 35,3%. У делу гласовна синтеза – речи од два слога, први део, највећа процентуална заступљеност тачних одговора је на првом задатку (95,3%), а најмања на седмом и десетом задатку, где износи по 70,6%. Највећи број задатака у овом делу теста који су деца успешно савладала у процесу синтезе гласова (више од 90% тачних одговора) садржи гласовне комбинације које почињу и завршавају се вокалима. Постигнуће на Тесту гласовне анализе и синтезе речи – гласовна синтеза – речи од два слога, први део

10. П-А-М-Е-Т
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