In the four-eyed fish, Anableps (Atheriniformes, Anablepidae), eggs are fertilized and embryos develop to term within the ovarian follicles. Development is highly matrotrophic. During gestation, the largest term embryo of A. anableps examined had grown to a total length of 51 mm and attained a dry weight of 149 mg. The postfertilization weight increase is 298,000%. The largest term embryo of A. dowi examined had grown to a total length of 77 mm and attained a dry weight of 910 mg. The postfertilization weight increase is 843,000%. Embryonic weight increases result from nutrient transfer across the follicular placenta. This structure is formed by apposition of the maternal follicular epithelium to absorptive surface cells of the embryo's pericardial trophoderm. The latter, a ventral ramification of the pericardial somatopleure, replaces the yolk sac during early gestation. The external surface of the pericardial trophoderm develops hemispherical projections, termed vascular bulbs. Within each bulb, the vascular plexus of the trophoderm expands to form a blood sinus. Cells of the external surface of the bulbs possess microplicae. Microvilli are absent. During middle to late gestation, the juxtaembryonic follicular epithelium differentiates into two regions. One region consists of shallow, pitlike depressions within which vascular bulbs interdigitate in a "ball and socket" arrangement. Follicular pits are formed by the curvilinear distortion of the apical surfaces of follicle cells. The second region in contact with the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the embryo, is comprised of villous extensions of the hypertrophied follicular epithelium. In both regions, follicle cells appear to constitute a transporting rather than a secretory epithlium. In terms of percentage of weight increase, the follicular placenta of Anableps appears to be the most efficient adaptation for maternal-embryonic nutrient transfer in teleost fishes and closely approaches the efficiency (1.2 × 106 %) of oophagy and embryonic cannibalism in lamnoid sharks.
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