
Abstract 'NK-199' sweet corn was planted in 4-row plots 50 ft in length on 1 Jun '90. On 4 Jun AAtrex (1.3 lb) + Lasso (1.35 qt) was applied Distance between rows was 3 ft. Distance between plants within the row was 8 inches. The center 2 rows of each plot were treated and the outer 2 rows were untreated guard rows. Treatment plots were replicated 4 times and arranged in a randomized complete block design. Sprays were applied with an International Harvester 770 Hi-Clear sprayer. The spray boom was adjusted to spray the silk area with each row being covered by 4 nozzles. This sprayer was equipped to treat 4 rows. All treatments were mixed in 10 gal of water and applied at the rate of 25 gal/acre with 50 psi. Spray treatments were applied at late whorl-early tassel (26 Jul); 50% silk (30 Jul); 3 Aug and 9 Aug. At harvest (13 Aug), 50 ears from the center 2 rows of each plot were husked and evaluated for worm damage as fresh-market (clean ears, no damage evident), processing (evidence of tip feeding but less than 3.6 cm tip damage), and culls (tip damage beyond 3.6 cm to the side and/or bottom). All worms found within the husk or ear were identified. The soil type was a Galestown sandy loam.

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