
A comparative study of leaf epidermal features of selected species of the family Sapindaceae in Nigeria was undertaken with a view to obtain additional characters for the elucidation of taxonomic relationships, delimiting species and identification of the taxa. The epidermises were separated from the mesophyll by soaking in concentrated Nitric acid. Bubble appearance on the surfaces of the leaves indicated their readiness for separation. They were then rinsed in water thrice before the layers were separated with the aid of forceps and Camel hair brush, stained with Safranin O. It was then mounted in 25% glycerol on clean glass slides, covered with cover slips. The micro morphological characters of leaf were more or less uniform in all taxa in the family. The adaxial cuticle was striated in most species. The polygonal epidermal cells with straight anticlinal walls on the adaxial surface of Cardiosermum halicacabum separated it from the other species with irregular shaped epidermal cells. Undulated anticlinal walls were observed on both surfaces. The leaves were hypostomatic in most species except in C. halicacabum where amphistomaty was observed. Stomata types included anomocytic, tetracytic and staurocytic but the anomocytic stomata were the most predominant.

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