
1. Preface (by Kallen, Jeffrey L.) 2. Abbreviations 3. Maps 4. Irish English: Context and Contacts (by Kallen, Jeffrey L.) 5. Bilingualism and Substrate Influence: A Look af Clefts and Reflexives (by Odlin, Terence) 6. The Influence of Irish on Perfect Marking in Hiberno-English: The Case of the Extended-now Perfect (by Filppula, Markku) 7. The Emerging Irish Phonological Substratum in Irish English (by O Baoill, Donall P.) 8. The Syntax of Belfast English (by Henry, Alison) 9. Aspects of Prosody in Hiberno-English: The Case of Belfast (by Rahilly, Joan) 10. Confusion of Dentality and Alveolarity in Dialects of Hiberno-English (by O hUrdail, Roibeard) 11. Diphtongization of (o) in Claddagh Hiberno-English: A Network Study (by Collins, Alma) 12. The Lexicon of Hiberno-English (by Van Ryckeghem, Brigitte) 13. Irish English and Contemporary Literary Writing (by Kirk, John M.) 14. The Role of Irish English in the Formation of New World Englishes: The Case from Newfoundland (by Clarke, Sandra) 15. A Tale of Two Georges: The Language of Irish Indian Traders in Colonial North America (by Montgomery, Michael) 16. Index

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