
Fantasy sport is an online activity holding the attention of millions of sport consumers. Industry estimates have fantasy sport being consumed by nearly 35 million US and Canadian participants (Fantasy Sport Trade Association, 2012a).This is an industry quietly becoming a force in the sport communication landscape. Fantasy sport provides consumers with a unique sport encounter aside from traditional ways of consuming sport (that is, viewing, listening, or following a team or sporting event). From statistics to social interaction, there are many factors giving reason as to why people participate in this activity.The fantasy sport user is a unique consumer of sport-based communication and media. These users experience sport beyond team wins, losses, and championships. They become immersed in the minute details and information of sport.They consume statistics as fantasy points, individual players as products, and injury reports as team-altering news. These users view sport through a unique lens. Understanding this type of consumption is important in developing advertising, communication, and marketing campaigns geared towards these consumers. In addition, understanding these consumers provides sport entities with an inside look at what makes this distinct set of consumers unique.The subsequent portions of this chapter provide an overview of the history of fantasy sport and give detail into its consumer motives and consumption.

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