
We derive expressions for the dc flux flow voltage and for the flux flow noise power spectrum in type II superconductors using a model in which flux bundles travel a distance1 less than the sample widthL before being stopped for finite times by local pinning interactions. The frequency dependence of the power spectrum is shown to be identical to our earlier derivation, where we assumed that pinning and release of flux bundles occurred in zero times, an assumption we now show to be incorrect. This frequency dependence has been shown to lead to good agreement for experimentally measured transit times, which have repeatedly been shown to be too short when obtained from models of uninter-rupted flux transit across the sample width. The concept of a pinned fraction arises naturally in our model, and occurs because of two factors; first, in certain regions the Lorentz force is not sufficient to overcome pinning, and second, in regions where flux flow occurs, fluxoids will be held up for brief periods because of interaction with local pinning centers. The expressions for the noise power at zero frequency and the dc voltage are modified by factors that depend on averages of1.

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