
We report measurements of the fluidization process in vertically vibrated two-dimensional granular packings. An initially close packed granular bed is exposed to sinusoidal container oscillations with gradually increasing amplitude. At first the particles close to the free surface become mobile. When a critical value of the forcing strength is reached the remaining crystal suddenly breaks up and the bed fluidizes completely. This transition leads to discontinuous changes in the density distribution and in the root mean square displacement of the individual particles. Likewise the vertical center of mass coordinate increases by leaps and bounds at the transition. It turns out that the maximum container velocity v0 is the crucial driving parameter determining the state of a fully fluidized system. For particles of various sizes the transition to full fluidization occurs at the same value of v 2 0/gd, where d is the particle diameter and g is the gravitational acceleration. A discontinuous fluidization transition is only observed when the particles are highly elastic.

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