
We investigate the critical properties of the $d=3$ random-field Ising model with a Gaussian field distribution at zero temperature. By implementing suitable graph-theoretical algorithms, we perform a large-scale numerical simulation of the model for a vast range of values of the disorder strength $h$ and system sizes $\mathcal{V}=L\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}L\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}L$, with $L\ensuremath{\le}156$. Using the sample-to-sample fluctuations of various quantities and proper finite-size scaling techniques we estimate with high accuracy the critical disorder strength ${h}_{\mathrm{c}}$ and the correlation length exponent $\ensuremath{\nu}$. Additional simulations in the area of the estimated critical-field strength and relevant scaling analysis of the bond energy suggest bounds for the specific heat critical exponent $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ and the violation of the hyperscaling exponent $\ensuremath{\theta}$. Finally, a data collapse analysis of the order parameter and disconnected susceptibility provides accurate estimates for the critical exponent ratios $\ensuremath{\beta}/\ensuremath{\nu}$ and $\overline{\ensuremath{\gamma}}/\ensuremath{\nu}$, respectively.

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