
This chapter discusses the fluctuation phenomena on tungsten surface investigated by surface ionization method. The surface ionization phenomenon is described by the Langmuir equation. This equation expresses the dependence of the so-called ionization degree on surface temperature, work function, and ionization potential of atoms. In the description of surface ionization phenomenon another parameter is often included- so-called ionization coefficient. The measurements are performed on a magnetic mass spectrometer with 900 deflection and resolution of 300.Amplitude probability distribution is investigated using a wide-band DC electrometer and multichannel pulse-height analyser KFKI-ICA 70 type. The results that are discussed in the chapter indicate that the probability density distribution of ion thermoemission noise are statistically nonstationary. The skewness for potassium increases with the rise of the temperature of the ionizing surface. This fact can be explained by increase of the asymmetry of amplitude distribution when of the pulse emission of potassiurn impurities appear. Basing on the results reported it is concluded that the current fluctuations arise from the generation of mobile adsorbed atoms on surface of the ion emitters.

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