Floweros aiid Insect Papers.-To make them accessible, these papers were published as nearly as possible in the same place, I-XXIII in the Botanical Gazette, I4, 1889 to 78, 1924, the overflow; Umbelliferae, to Scrophulariaceae, Labiatae, Rosaceae and Compositae, Contributions in Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., 5, 6, 7, I89o I8c6, and the Philosophy of flower seasons in the American Naturalist, 29, 1895, to follow Clarke's paper (I7). Some seem to hold that these were outlandish publications which they were under no obligations to cite. Clements and Long (29) say: No previous floral study of Rubus has been made in America, but several European species have received much attention (Knuth, 1908: 352), and The pollination of the rose appears to have received no attention in this country, but several species have been studied in Europe (Knuth T906: 348). The Davis translation excludes all American observations. Knut-h (1904, III, I, 340, 344) gives abstracts of Rublus occidentalis and villosus, Rosa hurnilis and setigera, and cites my Rosaceae and Compositae of i894. These are also mentioned in the Botanisches Ccntralblatt and in Juist's Botanischer Jahresbericht. Abstracts of llertensia vir-ginica, Castilleja coccinea, Pentstenm on laevigatus and pubescens in Asclepiadaceae to Scrophulariaceae, i89i, and Monarda bradburiacua and fistulosa in Labiatae, i890, are contained in the same publications, along with abstracts of the Flowers and insects papers, I-XIX. Those of Knuth's Handbuch der Bltitenbiologie are in his Band III, Teil I, 1904 and Teil 2, 1905. The first paper ever published on visits of oligotropic bees ( Flowers and insects XIX, i899), and ignored by authors, was abstracted in the above three places and in the Illustrierte Zeitschrift fuir Entomologie, 5: 307-II, I900. Mixing Heterogeneous Data.-Huxley referred to the superstition manifested by those who mix heterogeneous data just as if they should throw all sorts of grains into a hopper and expect to grind out wheat flour. When those who affect scientific authority mix such data, it is not surprising that science is mixed with art and technology, as theoretical and applied.' In 25 and 26 criticism was made regarding the mixing of anthecological (lata with collector's notes. A better illustration is in the case of 27 Compositae (Knuth 21) whose visitors were observed by Mueller and Alfken.
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