
Eight species of Ectropothecium Mitt. previously reported and misapplied in Singapore have been critically investigated, which resulted in different reinterpretations and taxonomic reshufflings of several taxa, and discovery of new records for Singapore. Two native species, Ectropothecium monumentorum (Duby) A.Jaeger and E. tutuilum (Sull.) Mitt. (with E. ichnotocladum (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger and E. moritzii A.Jaeger as newly proposed synonyms) remain recognised in the genus. Ectropothecium stigmophyllum Broth. is a non-native species newly recorded in Singapore. Ectropothecium singapurense Dixon is transferred to Calohypnum Sakurai as C. singapurense (Dixon) S.He & B.C.Ho, and continues to be treated as a species endemic to Singapore. Ectropothecium buitenzorgi auct. non (Bél.) Mitt. and E. incubans auct. non (Reinw. & Hornsch.) A.Jaeger were misapplied names for the native Neoptychophyllum dixonii (M.Fleisch.) S.He & B.C.Ho. Crepidophyllum modestum Herzog (reported for the first time with sporophytes for the genus) is a non-native record new to the country. Calohypnum, Crepidophyllum Herzog and Neoptychophyllum S.He represent new generic names for Singapore. Ectropothecium intorquatum (Dozy & Molk.) A.Jaeger and E. zollingeri (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger are excluded from Singapore. Additionally, Ectropothecium sodale (Sull.) Mitt. was found only in cultivation; thus, it is not treated in the flora. Lectotypes are designated for Ectropothecium moritzii A.Jaeger, E. moritzii var. stereodontoides Dixon, Hypnum ichnotocladum Müll.Hal., and Hypnum monumentorum Duby. New combinations are proposed in Calohypnum and Neoptychophyllum.

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