
This study investigates the phytochemical profile of the leaves of Duguetia furfuracea, a shrub native to the Brazilian Cerrado and traditionally used in folk medicine for the treatment of dysmenorrhea, diarrhea and rheumathism, stomach pain, renal colic, spine pain and soothing. The leaves were extracted with a mixture of ethanol/ water (8:2), and the extract was then subjected to a series of purification steps using various solvents and chromatography techniques. This process yielded two known flavonoids, kaempferol and isorhamnetin, that were identified through analysis of NMR spectra incomparison with litrature data. The flavonoid kaempferol is being described for the first time in the species D. furfuracea, even though this species already has several phytochemical studies. The isolation of these flavonoids contributes to our understanding of the plant's chemical composition and highlights their potential to contain diverse classes of compounds. This knowledge can be valuable for scientifically validating traditional medicinal uses of D. furfuracea and for developing novel therapeutic agents derived from natural sources.

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