
FROM Jan. 1, 1921, to Sept. 30, 1929, 56 patients with corpus uteri carcinoma were treated by Dr. H. S. Crossen and myself. The series included our private and ward cases in the Gynecological Service of the Barnes Hospital and Washington University Medical School. In analyzing this group of case~, we have followed closely, plans laid down by Healy and Cutler in 1930. In this work we have devoted especial attention to two problems: first, the relationship between histologic structure and prognosis and, second, the comparative value of radiation and operation in the treatment of these growths. It is our purpose, therefore, to study the various factors which influence the ultimate result, as a help in determining the treatment of choice of each histologic type of corpus carcinoma. Until recent years these cases have been classified simply as carcinoma of the corpus uteri, no attempt being made to separate the different grades of carcinoma. In our analysis we have followed the classification of Mahle, later confirmed by Healy.

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