
Five new species of the genus Dichorisandra J. C. Mikan are described based on field, herbarium and cultivation studies. The species described here are only known from the Atlantic rain forest from the State of Bahia, Brazil and have anthers with introrse longitudinal slits that are functionally poricidal. D. subtilis Aona & M. C. E. Amaral is characterised by its small habit, erect, densely pilose leaves, flowers in congested inflorescences, 5 stamens and a verrucose ovary. D. variegata Aona & Faden presents terminal, erect or sometimes decumbent inflorescences sprouting from the base of the plant, leaf blades sparsely to densely pilose and with two white longitudinal broad stripes above, and 5 (– 6) stamens. D. jardimii Aona & M. C. E. Amaral is characterised by the axillary inflorescences that perforate the leaf sheaths and arise either directly from the rhizome or from normal terrestrial branches, 5 stamens, a verrucose ovary and cylindrical fruits. D. ordinatiflora Aona & Faden presents axillary inflorescences that perforate the leaf sheaths, inflorescences distributed evenly along the stem, and a reddish indumentum. D. conglomerata Aona & M. C. E. Amaral can be recognised by its completely glabrous leaves, terminal inflorescences, the large number of flowers per cincinnus (7 – 10 flowers), and 5 stamens. Discussion of relevant characters, comparisons with closest relatives, descriptions, information on conservation status and illustrations are provided.

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