
Five cases of ovarian tumors (granulosa cell tumors) in cattle are presented from the patient load of the Vetsuisse University of Zurich and Bern. The aim of this work was to demonstrate the variable development of the illness and to indicate diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities to the practicing veterinarians. Case 1 shows bilateral appearance and the development of malignancy and metastases. The main symptoms in case 2 were the development of the mammary gland in a juvenile animal and the behavior modification due to a hormonal imbalance. The cases 3, 4 and 5 underwent surgery, case 4 restarted reproductive activity resulting in five subsequent pregnancies. The initial presumption is a result of a gynecological including ultrasonographic examination and can be verified by the analysis of Müllerian Inhibiting Hormone in serum. The decision to perform surgery should be done rapidly, as normal fertility can be achieved if the tumor is located unilaterally. Tumor growth and potential malignancy can provoke fatal health issues and also make it impossible to use meat of these animals for consumption.

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