
The advantages of Clarias gariepinus over other valuable species of fish raised in closed water supply systems are rapid growth, the ability to obtain marketable products in 6 months, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, valuable taste: clary catfish meat contains polyunsaturated fatty acids ( omega-3) and meets the requirements of a balanced healthy diet. The study was conducted on one of the farms for growing clary catfish, which is part of the Union of Aqua Farmers of Ukraine LLC “Aquapromgroup” in the Odesa region. To optimize the work of the farm for growing commercial Claria catfish in ultrasound, the use of polycyclic (8-cyclic) method instead of 2-cyclic, which currently operates, will allow more efficient use of production capacity, technological equipment and sell 127,784 tons of fish, which is 2.4 times more. To implement the technology it is necessary to grow the following number of fish: at the 1st stage – 24000 specimens, at the 2nd stage – 20400 specimens, at the 3rd stage – 17748 specimens, at the 4th stage – 15973 of each of 8 cycles. During the year the farm sells 127.784 copies. clary catfish with an average weight of 1 kg. Farm costs for compound feed: for feed for fry (“Biomar”) – 234432 UAH, for feed for other age groups of clary catfish – 2879860 UAH. The total cost of feed – 3114292 UAH. If all the requirements of the 8-cycle technological process of growing catfish in closed water supply installations (total volume of pools – 131 m3) the cost of 1 kg of fish will be 39 hryvnias, the farm will receive 3960300 hryvnias of gross profit from sales of marketable products, the profitability of production will be 79.5 %. Therefore, during the performance of this work, we proved the advantage of using the polycyclic method of growing clary catfish in closed water supply installations.


  • The advantages of Clarias gariepinus over other valuable species of fish raised in closed water supply systems are rapid growth, the ability to obtain marketable products in 6 months, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, valuable taste: clary catfish meat contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and meets the requirements of a balanced healthy diet

  • During the performance of this work, we proved the advantage of using the polycyclic method of growing clary catfish in closed water supply installations

  • Автори стверджують про відсутність конфлікту інтересів щодо їхнього вкладу та результатів досліджень

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Aqua System Organic Limited Liability Company (Aqua System Organic LLC), Kyivska Str., 97-A, Vasylkiv, 08606, Ukraine. If all the requirements of the 8-cycle technological process of growing catfish in closed water supply installations (total volume of pools – 131 m3) the cost of 1 kg of fish will be 39 hryvnias, the farm will receive 3960300 hryvnias of gross profit from sales of marketable products, the profitability of production will be 79.5 %. За дотримання всіх вимог 8-циклічного технологічного процесу вирощування кларієвого сома в установках замкнутого водопостачання (загальний об’єм басейнів – 131 м3) собівартість 1 кг риби становитиме 39 гривень, господарство отримає 3960300 грн валового прибутку від реалізації товарної продукції, рентабельність виробництва становитиме 79,5 %. Аквакультура в установках замкнутого водопостачання (УЗВ) є технологією для вирощування риб або інших водних організмів з повторним використанням води для цілей виробництва. У зв’язку з цим, метою була оптимізація технології вирощування кларієвого сома в установках замкнутого водопостачання (УЗВ) фермерського господарства, яке входить до спілки аквафермерів України ООО “Аквапромгруп”, що в Одеській області. Процес вирощування товарного кларієвого сома відбувається за рибоводнобіологічними показниками, наведеними у табл. 1

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