
The reason that cobalt catalysts display little activity for the water-gas-shift reaction, the amount of water present in the reactor during the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis reaction will be directly related to the CO conversion. It is therefore important to determine the impact of water partial pressure on the kinetics of the reaction, as well as the chemical and structural changes of the catalyst. This chapter reviews that the rate expression for FT synthesis has been obtained using a 25 wt.% Co/Al2O3 catalyst in a 1 liter continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operated at 493K, 1.99 MPa (19.7 atm), H2/CO feed ratios of 1.0-2.4 with varying space velocities to produce 14-63% CO conversion. Adjusting the ratios of inert gas and added water permitted the impact of added water to be made at the same total flow rate and H2 and CO partial pressures. The addition of water at low levels during FT synthesis did not impact CO conversion but at higher levels it decreased CO conversion relative to the same conditions without water addition. The catalytic activity recovered after water addition was terminated. The temporary reversible decline in CO conversion when water was added may be due to the kinetic effect of water by inhibition of CO and/or H2 adsorption.

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