
Tracking new variants of SARS-CoV-2 is vital for managing COVID-19 spread and allocating resources. Domestic antigen testing has created surveillance gaps that make it hard to identify new viral variants. We conducted whole genome sequencing of wastewater viral genes from major and minor treatment facilities in Dehradun from March 2022 onwards. Based on our analysis, the samples that achieved higher sequencing depth and covered >90 % of the viral genome uncovered a major variant pattern resembling the XAP recombinant lineage that is reported for the first time in the City of Dehradun, Uttrakhand and is the first ever records in India as on date. This novel XAP recombinant lineage had 9, 2, 30, 1, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1 aminoacid changes (total 54 mutations) in Orf1a, Orf1b, S, E, M, N, Orf3a, Orf6 and Orf8 regions of the gene respectively that shares 49 mutations common to the ancestral lineages BA.1* and BA.2*, with 6 unique mutations. Subsequent comparison and analysis of the clinical sequence data from the region post-detection of this rare and unusual variant showed no causalities infected with the newly detected XAP lineage. These findings are indicative of future alarming situation with plausible threats of fresh spur of Omicron variant led infections in the urban community.

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