
Iatrogenic nerve injury is a common complication across all surgical specialties. Better nerve visualization and identification during surgery will improve outcomes and reduce nerve injuries. The Gibbs Laboratory at Oregon Health and Science University has developed a library of near-infrared, nerve-specific fluorophores to highlight nerves intraoperatively and aid surgeons in nerve identification and visualization; the current lead agent is LGW16-03. Prior to this study, testing of LGW16-03 was restricted to animal models; therefore, it was unknown how LGW16-03 performs in human tissue. To advance LGW16-03 to clinic, we sought to test this current lead agent in ex vivo human tissues from a cohort of patients and determine if the route of administration affects LGW16-03 fluorescence contrast between nerves and adjacent background tissues (muscle and adipose). LGW16-03 was applied to ex vivo human tissue from lower limb amputations via two strategies: (1) systemic administration of the fluorophore using our first-in-kind model for fluorophore testing, and (2) topical application of the fluorophore. Results showed no statistical difference between topical and systemic administration. However, in vivo human validation of these findings is required.

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