
The issue of fire protection of cellulosic materials has been studied in the works of domestic and foreign scientists. However, there are still a number of unresolved problems in this area: modern means are not effective enough, the treated products are unaesthetic, do not meet performance indicators, and do not resist biodegradation. It has been established that volatile mixtures of pyrolysis products differ significantly in the content of combustible gases. Thus, for the treated samples, the amount of methane decreases by 30 times, hydrogen – by 25...30 times, carbon monoxide – by 35...40 times, and the amount of non-combustible gases increases: carbon dioxide - by 1.2...2 times, nitrogen – by 1.4...5 times. Studies on determining the smoke-forming capacity of untreated and treated paper samples showed an 8-fold decrease in the smoke-forming coefficient for treated paper samples and their transition from the group of materials with high smoke-forming capacity (untreated samples) to the group of materials with moderate smoke-forming capacity. Tests were conducted to determine the flammability of corrugated cardboard samples used for packaging various materials, including combustibles: untreated samples are classified as flammable materials, and treated samples are classified as flammable materials with a 42.38 kg/m3 absorption of the impregnating composition in terms of anhydrous substance.
 Studies have been conducted on the fire and biological protection of paper and products made of it with an impregnating composition that can effectively protect against fire and biological degradation without compromising the aesthetic and operational characteristics of these materials, taking into account modern environmental requirements. To determine the flame retardant effect of the impregnating composition, thermal destruction of untreated and treated paper samples was performed. In the course of the study, volatile products of thermal degradation were collected and their gas chromatographic analysis was carried out.

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